Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Designer Sweatpants.

It has come that time that I finally review a trend that I absolutely love. This trend is not something that I necessarily think looks amazing or is the cutest outfit choice's not even close. I am simply a lazy gal who likes to look good...while being lazy.

I'm talking about designer sweatpants.

Wherefore Pink?, originally uploaded by Boris Badenov.

The Uggs, the Victoria Secret PINK sweat pants. The whole look screams, "I can be cute and lazy too!" And that, my friends, is my goal in life.**

I feel that this look appeals to both men and women alike: Guys see the girl sporting their cute yet comfy threads and think, "Gee, that girl is really laid back and not a potential psycho girlfriend." Girls, on the other hand, are constantly checking out other girls' outfits and this is no exception. Hello, it's cute!

sweats_049, originally uploaded by Footie Fan.

Also, notice how versatile these sweatpants can be. They're not your average sweatpants that require some sort of stained wife beater and 10-year-old sweatshirt that says "Hard Rock Cafe." Instead, you can wear regular shirts and jackets with them, as well as a number of different shoes!

Overall, I give this trend a whopping 4 out of 5 stars. It would be a 5 out of 5, except the fact that these cute sweat pants usually cost anywhere from $30-50, which just ain't right for sweatpants.


**Extremely inaccurate, but works in the context.